
The 30 Happiest Animals In The World That Will Make You Smile

If you don’t have a smile on your face at the moment, you definitely will after looking at this wholesome collection of the 30 happiest animals ever!

While there are theories supporting both sides of the argument, it’s actually scientifically unproven whether animals can intentionally smile or not.

It’s true that, in the past, scientists greatly underestimated the wide emotional range of animals. But, today, it’s widely accepted that animals do experience feelings and can exhibit several types of emotions like fear, sadness, anger, and happiness. 

And if the scientific backing to animals’ range of emotions isn’t enough, many people have their own personal stories to attest that animals are definitely capable of feeling – as well as having some big personalities!

Either way, it’s up to you to judge whether these animals are actually smiling or not. But you can’t deny that their adorable expressions can brighten your day in an instant.

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